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AAN 2024 | Barriers to thrombectomy treatment in stroke patients

Hazem Shoirah, MD, from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, discusses barriers to thrombectomy access in stroke patinets. Population studies have revealed that around one in four people in the US that have suffered a vessel occlusion receive thrombectomy, but this number could grow with improved access to care and appropriate screening of patients. Dr Shoirah highlights the limitations of existing guidelines, which are currently being adapted to expand thrombectomy indications and thus, promote treatment for a larger number of patients. There are also geographical barriers to care. With one in six stroke patients in the US having no access to a thrombectomy-capable center, it is clear that system changes are required to improve the number of eligible patients receiving treatment. This interview took place at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting 2024 in Denver, CO.

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